
How Many Registered Voters In Us 2019?

Map of the District of Columbia, states, and territories in the U.s. that crave voter registration to vote:

 Voter registration required for federal and state elections

 No voter registration required for federal or land elections, except some local city elections require voter registration

A grouping of African American children assemble around a sign and booth to annals voters. Early 1960s.

Voter registration in the United States is required for voting in federal, state and local elections in the Us. The only exception is N Dakota, although cities in Due north Dakota may annals voters for city elections.[one] Voter registration takes place at the canton level in many states and at the municipal level in several states. Most states set cutoff dates for voter registration and to update details, ranging from 2 to 4 weeks before an election; while a third of states take Ballot Day or "same-twenty-four hours" voter registration which enables eligible citizens to annals or update their registration when they vote before or on election twenty-four hour period.

It has been argued that some registration requirements deter some people (especially disadvantaged people) from registering and therefore exercising their right to vote, resulting in a lower voter turnout. Several consequences of registering for voting are mentioned sometimes equally deterrents for registration, similar to serve jury duty, to be drafted into the war machine, or to update car insurance in case of changing address of residence, for example. Just many of these claims are false or, similar being listed equally potential juror, are only applicative to certain jurisdictions or are non the only way to be called in to serve.[2]

According to a 2012 study, 24% of the voting-eligible population in the Us are not registered to vote, equaling some 51 million U.S. citizens.[3] [4] While voters traditionally had to register at regime offices by a certain period of time before an election, in the mid-1990s, the federal government made efforts to facilitate registering, in an attempt to increase turnout. The National Voter Registration Human action of 1993 (the "Motor Voter" law) at present requires country governments to either provide uniform opt-in registration services through drivers' license registration centers, disability centers, schools, libraries, and mail service-in registration, or to allow Ballot 24-hour interval voter registration, where voters can annals at polling places immediately prior to voting. In 2016, Oregon became the first state to make voter registration fully automatic (opt-out) when issuing driver licenses and ID cards, since followed past 15 more than states and the District of Columbia. Political parties and other organizations sometimes concur "voter registration drives", that is, events to register new voters.

In 31 states and the District of Columbia, persons registering to vote may at the same time declare an affiliation with a political party.[5]

History [edit]

In 1800, Massachusetts was the showtime state to require voter registration as a prerequisite for voting statewide,[vi] which was followed by Maine (1821), Pennsylvania (1836) and Connecticut (1839). During the 19th century, and especially after the Civil War, more states and cities would establish voter registration as a prerequisite to voting, partially to prevent voting by immigrants in cities. Notwithstanding, it was non until 1913 when Nebraska became the starting time state to establish a permanent statewide voter annals, overseen past an ballot commissioner.

Co-ordinate to a 2020 study, voter registration laws adopted in the period 1880–1916 reduced turnout equally much equally 19 percentage points.[7]

North Dakota abolished voter registration in 1951 for state and federal elections, the just country to exercise so.[one] It has since 2004 required voters to produce ID at time of casting a vote. This has led to North Dakota being accused of voter suppression considering many Native American were denied a vote because the address on their tribal IDs had a postal service role box accost, which continues to be a common practice.[eight]

In 2002, Arizona made online voter registration available. In 2016, Oregon became the first land to implement a fully automated (opt-out) voter registration system tied to the process of issuing driver licenses and ID cards.

No registration jurisdiction [edit]

N Dakota is the simply state that does non have voter registration, which was abolished in 1951, although cities in North Dakota may annals voters for metropolis elections.[1] [nine] In North Dakota voters must provide identification and proof of entitlement to vote at the polling place before being permitted to vote.

North Dakota is exempt from the requirements of the federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993. Considering of this exemption, North Dakota has since 2004 required voters to produce an canonical class of ID before existence able to vote, ane of which was a tribe ID commonly used by Native Americans. It was common and lawful for a mail office box to be used on this ID, instead of a residential address, because there are no street addresses on reservations. In 2016, a change required tribal ID to have a residential address to be accustomed, and N Dakota has been accused of voter suppression with many Native Americans being denied a vote because they did not have an approved class of ID with a residential address.[10]

North Dakota's ID constabulary especially adversely affected large numbers of Native Americans, with almost a quarter of Native Americans in the state, otherwise eligible to vote, being denied a vote on the footing that they do not take proper ID; compared to 12% of non-Indians. A estimate overturned the ID law in July 2016, as well saying: "The undisputed evidence before the Court reveals that voter fraud in Northward Dakota has been virtually non-real."[xi] However, the denial of a vote on this footing was likewise an upshot in the 2018 mid-term election.[x]

Federal jurisdiction [edit]

While the United States Congress has jurisdiction over laws applying to federal elections, it has deferred most aspects of ballot police to u.s.. The United States Constitution prohibits states from restricting voting rights in means that borrow on a person's right to equal protection nether the law (14th Amendment), on the basis of race (15th Amendment), on the basis of sex (19th Amendment), on the basis of having failed to pay a poll tax or whatsoever tax (24th Amendment), or on the footing of age for persons age 18 and older (26th Amendment). The administration of elections, notwithstanding, vary widely across jurisdictions.

In general, US citizens over the age of 18 have the right to vote in federal elections.[12] In a few cases, permanent residents ("green menu" holders) have registered to vote and have cast ballots without realizing that doing so was illegal. Not-citizens bedevilled in criminal court of having fabricated a fake merits of citizenship for the purpose of registering to vote in a federal election can exist fined and imprisoned for up to a year. Deportation and removal proceedings accept resulted from several such cases.[13] Some municipalities permit non-citizen residents to vote in municipal or school district elections.

All states except Maine and Vermont (and the District of Columbia) deny the vote to convicted felons for some duration, a practice known every bit felony disenfranchisement. In 16 states, voting is simply prohibited during incarceration. 21 states additionally prohibit voting during parole or probation merely allow voting after. Xi states either indefinitely append voting rights or require special action to have voting rights restored.[14]

Effect on participation [edit]

A 2012 study by The Pew Charitable Trusts estimates that 24% of the voting-eligible population in the United states are non registered to vote, a percentage that represents "at to the lowest degree 51 million eligible U.S. citizens."[xv] [16] The study suggests that registration requirements contribute to discouraging people from exercising their right to vote, thereby causing a lower voter turnout. The extent of discouragement and its event on increasing the socioeconomic bias of the electorate withal remain contested.

In a 1980 landmark study, Raymond Eastward. Wolfinger and Steven J. Rosenstone came to the conclusion that less restrictive registration requirements would substantially increment the electoral turnout. Co-ordinate to their probit assay, if all states adopted the procedures of the about permissive state regulations, which would hateful:

  1. eliminating the closing date
  2. opening registration offices during the forty-hour work week
  3. opening registration offices in the evening or on Saturday
  4. permitting absentee registration for the sick, disabled and absent-minded

(p 73) turnout in the 1972 presidential election would take been ix.i% higher, with 12.two one thousand thousand additional people having voted.[17] In a seminal 1988 volume, sociologists Richard Cloward and Francis Flim-flam Piven argued that lowering registration requirements would improve socioeconomic equality in the composition of the electorate.[18]

Findings such equally this have inspired lawmakers to facilitate the registration procedure, somewhen leading to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (or "Motor Voter" human action) that required states to allow voter registration at various public offices, including drivers' license registration centers, disability centers, schools, libraries, as well every bit mail-in registration, unless a state adopts Election Solar day voter registration. The way towards passing this piece of federal legislation was still lengthy and rocky, as these reforms were highly contested. In an expanded 1990 edition of their 1988 book, titled "Why Americans notwithstanding don't vote: and why politicians desire information technology that way," Cloward and Piven argued that the reforms were expected to encourage less-privileged groups which happen to lean towards the Democratic Political party.[xix]

While the turnout at federal elections did essentially increase post-obit the electoral reforms, the event fell short of Wolfinger and Rosenstone'southward expectations while Cloward's and Piven'due south hope of improving the demographic representativeness of the electorate wasn't fulfilled at all. Political scientist Adam Berinsky concluded in a 2005 commodity that the reforms designed to brand voting "easier" in their entirety had an opposite event, really increasing the preexisting socioeconomic biases by ensuring "that those citizens who are well-nigh engaged with the political world – those with politically relevant resources – proceed to participate, whereas those individuals without such resources fall by the wayside."[twenty] As Berinsky reaffirms in a 2016 piece, the only mode to increment turnout while improving representativeness is making more people go interested in politics.[21]

Registration centers [edit]

Traditionally, voter registration took place at government offices, but the federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993, which came into effect on Jan 1, 1995, simplified registration. The Act requires state governments to provide opt-in registration services through drivers' license registration centers, disability centers, schools, libraries, likewise equally providing for mail-in registration. However, six states are exempt from the streamlined processes under the Human action: North Dakota, Idaho, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Online Registration [edit]

States, territories and the District of Columbia, that allow online voter registration:

 Online voter registration bachelor[a]

 Online voter registration allowed for those updating their driver's license or state IDs

 Online voter registration to be implemented

 Online voter registration legislation passed at least i bedroom.

 No online voter registration bachelor

As of August 2020, online voter registration was available in 41 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam, with two additional states (Maine and Oklahoma) phasing in implementation.[22] North Dakota does not have voter registration. Since a federal judicial lodge in September 2020, Texas allows residents to register to vote online if and when they are renewing their commuter's licenses or state identification cards.[23]

Country or federal district Date online voter
registration implemented
Alabama 2016-12-01[24] Alabama Votes
Alaska 2015-xi[25] Alaska Online Voter Registration
Arizona 2002-07[26] Service Arizona Voter Registration
California 2012-09-nineteen[27] California Online Voter Registration
Colorado 2010-04-01[28] Become Vote Colorado
Connecticut 2014-01-01[29] Connecticut Online Voter Registration
Delaware 2014-04[22] I Vote Delaware
District of Columbia 2015[25] District of Columbia Online Voter Registration
Florida 2017-x-01[22] Register to Vote Florida Voter Registration
Georgia (U.S. state) Georgia 2014-03[25] Georgia Online Voter Registration
Guam [ data unknown/missing ] Guam Online Voter Registration
Hawaii 2015-08-04[30] Hawaii Online Voter Registration
Idaho 2017-12-06[31] Idaho Votes
Illinois 2014-06-17[32] Illinois Online Voter Registration
Indiana 2010-07-01[33] Indiana Online Voter Registration
Iowa 2016-01-04[34] Iowa Online Voter Registration
Kansas 2009-05[25] Kansas Online Voter Registration
Kentucky 2016-03-01[35] Kentucky Online Voter Registration
Louisiana 2010-04[25] Geaux Vote
Maine 2023-11 [36] N/A
Maryland 2012-07-01[37] Maryland Online Voter Registration
Massachusetts 2015-06-23[38] Massachusetts Online Voter Registration
Michigan 2019-12-02[39] Michigan Online Voter Registration
Minnesota 2013-09-26[40] MN Votes
Missouri[b] 2014[22] Vote Missouri
Nebraska 2015-09-22[41] Nebraska Online Voter Registration
Nevada 2012-09[25] Nevada Online Voter Registration
New Bailiwick of jersey 2020-09-04[42] [43] New Bailiwick of jersey Online Voter Registration
New Mexico 2016-01-01[44] New United mexican states Online Voter Registration
New York 2011[22] New York Electronic Voter Registration 
North Carolina[c] [45] 2020-03-20 North Carolina Online Voter Registration
Ohio 2017-01-01[46] Ohio Online Voter Registration
Oklahoma 2020[47] Non fully implemented yet[47] [d]
Oregon 2010-03-01[48] OreStar
Pennsylvania 2015-08-27[49] PA Online Voter Registration
Rhode Island 2016-08-01[50] RI Online Voter Registration
Southward Carolina 2012-x-02[51] S.C. Online Voter Registration
Tennessee 2017-08-29[52] GoVote TN Voter Registration
Texas 2020-09[23] North/A[e]
Utah 2010-06[25] Utah Online Voter Registration
Vermont 2015-10-12[53] Vermont Online Voter Registration
Virginia 2013-07-23[54] Virginia Voter Registration
Washington (state) Washington 2008-01[25] MyVote
West Virginia 2015-09[25] Due west Virginia Online Voter Registration
Wisconsin 2017-01-09[55] My Vote Wisconsin
  1. ^ In Missouri, a person can annals to vote online and electronically provide a signature using a mobile device, tablet calculator or touchscreen computer, merely not a standard desktop figurer. The state reviews the information and prints out the registration form, which information technology sends to the person's local elections office for verification.
  2. ^ In Missouri, a person tin can register to vote online and electronically provide a signature using a mobile device, tablet computer or touchscreen calculator, merely not a standard desktop figurer. The land reviews the information and prints out the registration form, which it sends to the person's local elections part for verification.
  3. ^ Prior to March 30, 2020, applicants could only apply online equally an extra option in the process of conducting a separate transaction through the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. In response to the closure of near DMV offices due to COVID-19, the NCDMV opened online voter registration for all holders of Northward Carolina driver'southward licenses and state ID cards and removed the need for a transaction.
  4. ^ In Oklahoma, registered voters can update their registration information online but new voters and voters who have changed names or moved to a different canton must fill out a paper form.
  5. ^ Since a federal judicial order in September 2020, Texas allows residents to register to vote online if and when they are renewing their commuter's licenses or state identification cards. Voters with neither card must register past paper.

Automatic voter registration [edit]

Map of the Commune of Columbia, states, and territories in the United States that allow automatic voter registration:

 Automated voter registration available

 Automatic voter registration to be implemented

 No automated voter registration bachelor

As of July 2019, 16 states and the District of Columbia had automatic registration of citizens who interact with state agencies such as the DMV, along with 7 other states that have passed legislation or committed administratively to create automatic registration systems, but non yet implemented information technology.[56] [57] [58] Those interacting with the state agencies take the option to opt-out of registering.

On January 1, 2016, the Oregon Motor Voter Act implemented automatic voter registration of eligible citizens tied to the procedure of issuing driver licenses and ID cards, with the person having the right to opt out.[59] By April 2016 three more states – California, West Virginia, and Vermont – adopted the organisation, and in May 2016 Connecticut announced plans to implement it administratively rather than by legislation.[60] [61] Alaskan voters approved Measure 1 on November 8, 2016, to allow residents to register to vote when applying annually for the state's Permanent Dividend Fund.[62] [63] Voter blessing of Measure 1 made Alaska the offset state to implement automatic (opt-in) voter registration via ballot initiative. New York passed automated voter registration on December 22, 2020, with implementation to embark in 2023.[64] Several more states have considered legislation for automatic registration.[65] On August 28, 2017, Illinois set July 1, 2018, for implementation of automatic voter registration at motor vehicle agencies, and a year later at other state agencies.[66]

Land or federal commune Automatic voter
registration implemented
Alaska 2017-03-01[67]
California 2017-04[58]
Colorado 2017-02[58]
Connecticut 2018
Delaware 2023[68] [69]
Commune of Columbia 2018-06-26[lxx]
Georgia (U.S. state) Georgia 2016-09[58]
Illinois 2018-07-02[71]
Maine 2022-01[72] [73]
Maryland 2019-07-01[58]
Massachusetts 2020-01[58]
Michigan 2019-09-09[74]
Nevada 2020-01[75]
New Bailiwick of jersey 2018-xi-01[76] [58]
New Mexico [ data unknown/missing ] [77]
New York 2020-12-22[78]
Oregon 2016-01-01[79]
Rhode Island 2018-06[58]
Vermont 2017-01[58]
Virginia 2020-04[80]
Washington (state) Washington 2019-07[58]
W Virginia 2019-07[58]

Fractional Automatic [edit]

This blazon does transfer some data from DMV electronically to election officials. For instance, name, age and address. Still, does not fully meet the definition of an fully automated system, because information technology is all the same relying on newspaper forms in some way.[81]

Ballot Mean solar day / same-day [edit]

Map of the District of Columbia, states, and territories in the Usa that permit same-day voter registration:

 Same-solar day and early on voting menses voter registration available

 Same-day voter registration available[a]

 Early voting period voter registration bachelor

 Same-day and early voting period voter registration non implemented yet

 No same-day and early on voting period voter registration available

The majority of states require voters to register two to four weeks before an election, with cutoff dates varying from 30 to 15 days.

Some states permit Election Day voter registration (also known as EDR) which enables eligible citizens to register to vote or update their registration when they arrive to vote. Some states call the process same-day registration (SDR) because voters can register and vote during the early voting menses before Election Mean solar day.

EDR allows eligible citizens to register or update their registration at the polls or their local election part by showing valid identification to a poll worker or election official, who checks the identification, consults the registration list and, if they are non registered or the registration is out of date, registers them on the spot.

As of March 27, 2018, 17 states and the Commune of Columbia offer aforementioned day voter registration, which allows any qualified resident of the country to go to register to vote and bandage a ballot all in that twenty-four hour period. Additionally, 1 country (Washington) has enacted same day vote registration, which has notwithstanding to be implemented.[82] Also, ix states have voter registration possible for a portion of their early voting periods.

Five states are exempt from the National Voter Registration Human activity of 1993 because they have continuously since 1993 had EDR: Idaho, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Maine lost the exemption when it abolished EDR in 2011, though it was restored later on that yr. North Dakota is also exempt because it does non have voter registration. In June 2011, Maine abolished EDR, which had been in place since 1973, and abolished absentee voting during the 2 business organisation days before an election.[83] However, the stipulation banning EDR was overturned in a November 2011 denizen referendum ("people's veto") titled Question one,[84] when Maine voters reinstated EDR with 59% in favor.[85]

Voter turnout is much higher in states using EDR than in states that practice non. A 2013 written report analyzing turnout in the 2012 United States presidential election, had SDR states averaging at a turnout of 71%, well in a higher place the average voter turn-out rate of 59% for not-SDR states.[86] According to official turnout data written report in the 2014 edition of America Goes to the Polls,[87] voter turnout in EDR states has averaged ten–14 percent higher than states that lack that option.[88] Other research suggests that EDR increases turnout between three and fourteen percentage points.[89] [xc] [91] [92] [93] A 2004 study summarizes the impact of EDR on voter turnout as "virtually v per centum points".[94] A 2021 study constitute that same day voter registration unduly increase turnout amid young voters; immature voters move more frequently, which disproportionately burdens them under traditional voter registration laws.[95]

Federal district or country Same day voting registration implemented Early voting menstruation registration implemented
California [ information unknown/missing ] [82] [ data unknown/missing ] [82]
Colorado [ data unknown/missing ] [82] [ data unknown/missing ] [82]
Connecticut [ data unknown/missing ] [82] N/A[82]
Commune of Columbia [ data unknown/missing ] [82] N/A[82]
Hawaii [ information unknown/missing ] [82] [ information unknown/missing ] [82]
Idaho [ data unknown/missing ] [82] North/A[82]
Illinois [ information unknown/missing ] [b] [82] N/A[82]
Iowa [ data unknown/missing ] [82] [ information unknown/missing ] [82]
Maine 1973 [96] [82] N/A[82]
Maryland N/A[82] [ data unknown/missing ] [82]
Michigan 2019[97] [82] 2019[97] [82]
Minnesota [ data unknown/missing ] [82] Due north/A[82]
Montana [ data unknown/missing ] [82] N/A[82]
New Hampshire [ data unknown/missing ] [82] Due north/A[82]
New Mexico [ data unknown/missing ] [77] [98] [82] [ data unknown/missing ] [77] [98] [82]
North Carolina North/A[82] [ data unknown/missing ] [82]
Utah [ data unknown/missing ] [82] [ data unknown/missing ] [82]
Vermont [ data unknown/missing ] [82] [ data unknown/missing ] [82]
Washington (state) Washington 2019[82] 2019[82]
Wisconsin [ data unknown/missing ] [82] Northward/A[82]
Wyoming [ data unknown/missing ] [82] Due north/A[82]
  1. ^ In Illinois, you tin register 27 days earlier though election day
  2. ^ In Illinois, you tin can register 27 days before though election mean solar day

Permanent & portable registration [edit]

Map of the District of Columbia, states, and territories in the Us that allow permanent & portable voter registration:

 Permanent & portable voter registration available for registered voter

 Permanent & portable voter registration available for registered voters who motion to a precinct that has an electronic poll book or are an agile war machine fellow member

 Provisional ballots bachelor for registered voters who move

 No permanent & portable registration bachelor

Every bit of 2014, Delaware, Hawaii, Oregon, and Texas allow registered voters who have moved inside the state to update their registrations when they vote, and are given a regular ballot when they vote. Florida requires any registered voter who moved to another county and some other voting precinct to vote but by a provisional ballot, except if "the precinct to which you accept moved has an electronic poll volume or you are an active military machine member", in which case the voter would be given a regular ballot when they vote. As of 2014, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Ohio, and Utah allow registered voters who accept moved within the land or the Commune of Columbia to vote in their new county without re-registering at their new address, but they can simply vote a conditional election, which could crave farther activeness from the voter before information technology is counted.[99] [100]

Preregistration [edit]

Map of the District of Columbia, states, and territories in the The states that let preregistration prior to turning 18 years old:

 Preregistration after turning 16 years old

 Preregistration after turning 17 years old

 Preregistration prior to turning 18 years old

 No preregistration; tin can simply vote afterward turning 18 years onetime


Preregistration allows individuals younger than 18 years of age to register to vote, simply non to really vote until they reach xviii. All states have some class of preregistration, starting at age 16, except for North Dakota which does non have any registration.[101]

Federal district of country Preregistration requirements
Alabama 18 years old by the ballot date[101]
Alaska Within 90 days preceding 18th altogether[101]
Arizona 18 years old past the election appointment[101]
Arkansas 18 years old by the election date[101]
California 16-yr-olds may preregister[101]
Colorado 16-year-olds may preregister[101]
Connecticut 18 years sometime past the election date[101]
Delaware 16-yr-olds may preregister[101]
Commune of Columbia sixteen-year-olds may preregister[101]
Florida 16-year-olds may preregister[101]
Georgia 17.5-yr-olds may preregister[101]
Hawaii 16-year-olds may preregister, and 17-year-olds may register but not vote[101]
Idaho 18 years erstwhile past the ballot appointment[101]
Illinois xviii years one-time by the election appointment[101]
Indiana 18 years one-time by the ballot date[101]
Iowa 17.v-twelvemonth-olds may preregister[101]
Kansas 18 years old by the election engagement[101]
Kentucky eighteen years one-time by the election engagement[101]
Louisiana 16-yr-olds may preregister[101]
Maine 17-year-olds may preregister[101]
Maryland 16-year-olds may preregister[101]
Massachusetts 16-yr-olds may preregister[101]
Michigan 18 years old by the ballot date[101]
Minnesota 18 years old past the ballot appointment[101]
Mississippi 18 years onetime past the election date[101]
Missouri 17.5-year-olds may preregister[101]
Montana eighteen years old by the election date[101]
Nebraska 18 years old by the election date[101]
Nevada 17-yr-olds may preregister[101]
New Hampshire 18 years quondam past the ballot appointment[101]
New Bailiwick of jersey 17-yr-olds may preregister[101]
New Mexico xviii years onetime by the election date[101]
New York sixteen year olds may preregister[101]
North Carolina 16-year-olds may preregister[101]
Ohio eighteen-year-olds by the ballot date[101]
Oklahoma 18 years old by the election appointment[101]
Oregon 16-year-olds may preregister[101]
Pennsylvania eighteen years one-time by the ballot engagement[101]
Rhode Island 16-year-olds may preregister, and 17-year-olds may register if they will exist 18 years old past the ballot[101]
S Carolina 18 years old past the election appointment[101]
South Dakota 18 years one-time by the ballot date[101]
Tennessee xviii years old by the election date[101]
Texas Individuals 17 years and 10 months old may annals
Utah 16-year-olds may preregister[101]
Vermont 18 years old by the election engagement[101]
Virginia eighteen years old past the ballot date[101]
Washington 18 years old by the election date[101]
West Virginia 17-year-olds may preregister[101]
Wisconsin eighteen years one-time by the election date[101]
Wyoming xviii years old by the election date[101]

Registration Drives [edit]

A voter registration drive is an endeavor undertaken past a government authority, political party or other entity to register to vote persons otherwise entitled to vote. In many jurisdictions, the functions of electoral authorities includes endeavours to get as many people to register to vote every bit possible. In most jurisdictions, registration is a prerequisite to a person existence able to vote at an ballot.

In the United States, such drives are oft undertaken by a political campaign, political party, or other outside groups (partisan and non-partisan), that seeks to register persons who are eligible to vote but are not registered. In all U.South. states except North Dakota, registration is a prerequisite to a person being able to vote at federal, state or local elections, as well as to serve on juries and perform other civil duties. Sometimes these drives are undertaken for partisan purposes, and target specific demographic groups considered to exist likely to vote for one candidate or other; on the other manus, such drives may exist undertaken past non-partisan groups and targeted more mostly.

In 2004, the Nu Mu Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity held a voter registration drive in DeKalb Canton, Georgia, from which Georgia Secretary of State Cathy Cox (Dem.) rejected all 63 voter registration applications because the fraternity did not obtain specific pre-clearance from the state to comport their bulldoze. Nu Mu Lambda filed Charles H. Wesley Education Foundation v. Cathy Cox (Wesley v. Cox)[102] asserting that the Georgia's long-standing policy and practice of rejecting mail-in voter registration applications that were submitted in bundles, by persons other than registrars, deputy registrars, or "authorized persons", violated the requirements of the National Voter Registration Deed of 1993 by undermining voter registration drives. A senior U.South. District Judge upheld before federal court decisions in the case, which found that private entities have a right, under the federal law, to engage in organized voter registration activity in Georgia at times and locations of their choosing, without the presence or permission of state or local election officials.[103]

National organizations that regularly piece of work to register voters and promote citizens' appointment in elections include:

  • Advancement Projection
  • Shut Up Foundation
  • Democrats Abroad
  • HeadCount
  • League of Women Voters
  • Allow America Vote
  • National Association for the Advocacy of Colored People
  • Nonprofit VOTE
  • Our Time
  • Stone the Vote
  • Southern Regional Council
  • Southwest Voter Registration Education Project
  • Student Association for Voter Empowerment
  • The Voter Participation Middle
  • U.S. Vote Foundation
  • The states Hispanic Bedchamber of Commerce
  • Voto Latino

Party affiliation [edit]

In 31 states and the Commune of Columbia, voters are allowed to mark their political party affiliation, or their unaffiliated condition, on their voter registration class. In those states which host airtight primaries for political parties, voters are often mandated to declare their party amalgamation prior to receiving a primary ballot, whether on the day of the principal or by a prior deadline.[5] In addition, voters who are party-affiliated in their voter files are most ofttimes immune to participate in intra-party elections and conclusion-making.

Youth Voting [edit]

In some cities, people younger than eighteen can vote in local elections, such as for city councils and schoolhouse boards. Takoma Park, Maryland, was the outset metropolis to allow youth voting, starting in 2013. Other nearby cities, including Hyattsville, Greenbelt and Riverdale Park adopted similar measures.[104] Washington, DC'south urban center council considered a neb that would expand youth voting in 2018, allow residents 16 or older to bandage ballots in all elections, including federal elections.[105]

Borderline to re-register with a party for a primary election [edit]

Federal district of state Deadline to re-annals with a political party for a partisan primary election Deadline to re-register with a political party for the 2020 U.S. Presidential Caucuses and Primary elections
Colorado 29th mean solar day prior to the partisan primary ballot[106] 2020-02-03[106]
Connecticut 3 months prior to the partisan primary election[107] [ data unknown/missing ] [108]
Delaware The terminal Saturday in May of the year of the partisan master election [ data unknown/missing ] [109]
District of Columbia 21st solar day prior to the partisan primary ballot[110] [ data unknown/missing ] [110]
Idaho 10th Fri prior to the partisan principal ballot[111] [a] [ data unknown/missing ] [112]
Kansas 14th solar day prior to the partisan principal election[113] [b] [ data unknown/missing ] [114]
Kentucky December 31 of the year prior to the partisan primary election[115] [ data unknown/missing ] [115]
Maine 15th day prior to the partisan master election[113] [c] [ data unknown/missing ] [116]
New Hampshire 1st Tuesday of June of the twelvemonth of the partisan primary election[117] [d] [ data unknown/missing ] [118]
New Jersey 55th mean solar day prior to the partisan primary ballot[113] [e] 2020-04-08[119]
New York The Friday 10 weeks earlier the Presidential Primary Election in 2020 [120] 2020-02-14[121]
Rhode Isle 30th day prior to the partisan primary election[122] [ data unknown/missing ] [123]
Wyoming 14th day prior to the partisan primary ballot[124] [ information unknown/missing ] [124]
  1. ^ In Idaho, unaffiliated registered voters may re-register up to and on the partisan chief day
  2. ^ In Kansas, unaffiliated registered voters may re-annals up to and on the partisan chief 24-hour interval
  3. ^ In Maine, unenrolled registered voters may re-register up to and on the partisan main day
  4. ^ In New Hampshire, unafflicted registered voters may re-annals up to and on the partisan primary day
  5. ^ In New Bailiwick of jersey, unaffiliated registered voters may re-register up to and on the partisan primary day

See also [edit]

  • Voter ID laws in the United States

Further reading [edit]

  • Alexander Keyssar. 2009. The Right to Vote: The Contested History of Republic in the United States. Basic Books.
  • Jimmy Carter Tried to Arrive Easier to Vote in 1977. The Right Stopped Him With the Same Arguments It's Using Today (Excerpt from Reaganland: America's Right Plow 1976-1980 by Rick Perlstein

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c "The Voter's Self Defence force System". Vote Smart . Retrieved August 31, 2017.
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  25. ^ a b c d e f g h i List of States Adopting Electronic Registration, Online Voter Registration, or Both
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  28. ^ Online Voter Registration
  29. ^ Voter Registration and Absentee Ballots
  30. ^ Office of Elections launches online voter registration system
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  37. ^ Online Voter Registration
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  45. ^ NCSBE Press Release
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  47. ^ a b Online Voter Registration
  48. ^ Oregon offers online voter registration
  49. ^ Pennsylvania Launches Online Voter Registration to Increase Efficiency and Offer Convenience
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  51. ^ South Carolina Launches Online Voter Registration System
  52. ^ After A Year In The Works, Online Voter Registration Goes Alive In Tennessee
  53. ^ Online Voter Registration Now Open In Vermont
  54. ^ Virginia residents can now register to vote online
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  106. ^ a b 2020 Election Calendar
  108. ^ Borderline looming to switch party before Connecticut main
  109. ^ Party affiliation change deadline budgeted
  110. ^ a b Borderline to change political party amalgamation status
  111. ^ Primary Elections in Idaho
  112. ^ Friday is borderline to change political party affiliation in Idaho
  113. ^ a b c Deadlines to change party affiliation in closed primary states
  114. ^ Deadline nears to change political party affiliation
  115. ^ a b Deadline to Alter Party Affiliation Ahead of 2018 May Main is Dec. 31
  116. ^ Borderline to Modify Political party Enrollment in Time to Vote in June 12 Primary
  117. ^ Political party Affiliation in New Hampshire
  118. ^ June v, 2018 Deadline to Change Party Affiliation for Voting in the September eleven, 2018 Country Main Election
  119. ^ Division of Elections Reminds Registered Voters of Upcoming Apr 11 Borderline for Modify of Party Amalgamation Declaration Forms for Master Ballot to exist Filed with County Commissioners of Registration
  120. ^ New York Consolidated Laws, Ballot Law - ELN § five-304. Enrollment;  modify of enrollment or new enrollment by previously registered voters
  121. ^ "You Have Until Feb 14th To Alter Your Party Registration For The 2020 Presidential Primary". Retrieved September 27, 2020.
  122. ^ Oft Asked Questions
  123. ^ R.I. voters accept until June 14 to switch party affiliations before Sept. 12 principal
  124. ^ a b Welcome to the FAQs


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