
How To Use A Melon Baller

Melon ballers are a corking way of making food fun. Whether serving a fruit platter to guests or only trying to get your kids to eat healthy, balling melon is a great style to make your repast unique.

Despite the name, melon ballers are not just for melon. Melon ballers can as well be used to make spheres of many other soft foods including:

  • Pawpaw and Papaya
  • Soft apricots, plums, and peaches
  • Pears
  • Butter
  • Soft Cheese

It may surprise you to learn that melon ball scoops come in all unlike sizes and shapes. The size and shape of the scoop will determine what kind of melon ball you end upward with.

By using different sized melon ballers you can really make your fruit salad pop! Below are merely a few of the different sized and shaped melon balls you lot tin can create.

Different sized balls of melon compared small to large

From left to right:

  • 10mm
  • 13mm
  • 19mm
  • 22mm
  • 25mm
  • 30mm
  • 33mm Oval scoop
  • 33mm Canele/Scallop Scoop
  • 30mm Honey Center Scoop

The above melon balls were accomplished using the French fabricated Deglon Melon Ballers. When information technology came to dissimilar scoops, Deglon offered more choice than any other make on the market.

Simply not all melon ballers are created equally. While some performed remarkably well at creating round pieces of melon, others downright sucked.

Fortunately, we have done the hard work for you lot, painstakingly testing each melon baller before awarding a winner.

different types of melon ballers side by side comparison
Some of the melon ballers we tested

Before we take a closer look at the best melon ballers it is of import that I teach you the correct technique. Simply scooping into a melon will go out you with a apartment border to your brawl.

How to Make Perfect Melon Assurance

Use the following method to create perfectly circular balls of melon. No more flat edges! For this example we chose to apply a cantaloupe just any melon will practise.

1. Cut it – Cut your melon in half

Cantaloupe melon cut in half

2. Hollow it – Using a regular tablespoon, hollow out the inside of your melon. Skip this step if you are balling a watermelon or other fruit that doesn't comprise seeds.

Scooping the seeds out of the center of cantaloupe melon

3. Push it in – This is the virtually important part in achieving perfect spheres of melon. Button the scoop of the melon baller into the flesh of your melon. The flesh should bear upon the rear of the scoop. If your melon baller has a pigsty in the lesser of it you will be able to meet the flesh hits the back of the scoop.

Pushing melon baller scoop into the flesh of cantaloupe melon

4. Twist it – Twist the scoop of the baller through the flesh of the melon. Apply a scooping motion, the idea here is to completely spate the brawl of melon from the remaining flesh.

Twisting melon baller scoop into flesh of cantaloupe

5. Lift it – Lift the scoop of the melon baller out of the melon. The ball of melon flesh should hands lift up, allowing you to deposit into your fruit salad, smoothie or other food creation.

Our Top Picks

Comparing Nautical chart

OXO Melon Baller

31 YEBQhKJL. SL500

Wusthof Melon Baller

41zDQQMFqpL. SL500

Westmark Gallant Baller

21dh9I0ZtyL. SL500

Mercer Culinary Oval Melon Baller

41Ikw9eGYQL. SL500

Messermeister Pro-Touch Scalloped Melon Baller

31h2lZS8zwL. SL500

Deglon Centre Shaped Melon Baller

Double Sided Melon Ballers

For many of you a double sided melon baller will be the best solution. While other melon ballers just offering a single scoop, a double sided melon baller offers ii in the one handle.

Double sided melon ballers represented the best value for money. While all were capable of creating spheres of melon, ane model blew the competition out of the water:

Scooping a ball of melon out of cantaloupe

It really is that simple.

OXO Good Grips – Best Two Sided Melon Baller Scoop

The OXO Melon baller checked all the boxes, a long easy to grip handle, sturdy design, sharp scoops and dishwasher safe.

it was also the only melon baller to take the foresight to have the scoops facing different directions. This means that the opposite scoop would non dig into your wrist while scooping melon out with the other. It may seem like a simple design change but it gave the OXO melon baller a huge leg upward over the competitors in terms of comfort.

The sharp scoops easily dug through all the dissimilar types of melon and was capable of creating perfectly round balls. Combine all this with an affordable price and you have our pinnacle pick of the double sided melon ballers. Unanimously loved past everyone who tested it.

Double Sided Melon Baller Runner-ups

The post-obit ii-sided melon ballers fell brusque in one way or some other.

Comparison Nautical chart

21VBo9+5U2L. SL500

Victorinox 7.6163-X1 Melon Baller

31mjnq9LdgL. SL500

KitchenAid Gourmet Dual Sided Melon Baller

31FsVRFU9SL. SL500

Norpro Double Melon Baller

315JIGJd3NL. SL500

Farberware Classic Double Melon Baller

41DcZoRwRKL. SL500

Excellante Deluxe Stainless Steel Melon Baller

312ZIuPzNjL. SL500

PROfreshionals Melon Baller

Victorinox Double Melon Baller – A potent contender for first position. The Sharp scoops and solid welding were to exist expected of a product made in Switzerland. It is also dishwasher safe. The only downside was the small-scale size of the handle, which some testers felt made the melon baller difficult to hold (just other testers didn't heed information technology). Please note – Victorinox also manufactures this melon baller in woods, which isn't dishwasher safe.

KitchenAid Dual-Sided Melon Baller – An incredibly sturdy melon baller, perhaps the sturdiest we tested. Unfortunately, testers did not like the plastic handle, which was slipperier than our top pick, particularly when coated in melon juice.

Norpro Dual Scoop Fruit Baller – The cheapest double sided melon baller we tested. The wooden handle was non dishwasher safe and the shallow scoops made it difficult to create perfectly symmetrical assurance of melon.

Faberware Archetype Double Melon Baller – The scoops were blunter than other melon ballers we tested and the plastic handle had a abrupt burr, a manufacturing defect that fabricated it uncomfortable to concord.

Excellante Melon Baller – Another poor quality melon baller with shallow scoops. Perfectly round melon balls were too difficult to create with the shallow scoops. The melon baller could also just exist hand washed.

PROfreshionals Melon Baller – PROfreshionals plastic melon scoops failed to impress any of our testers. The edgeless edges had a trend to squash the fruit rather than scoop through information technology. Despite beingness plastic, the handle is not dishwasher prophylactic.

Small Melon Baller

A small melon baller is the secret tool that chefs use when making vegetable pearls for a consommé or Parisienne carrots.

Small melon ballers are besides popular for making balled fruit salads, the smaller sized fruit balls contrast nicely to the larger balls of melon.

Wusthof 12mm Mellon Baller – All-time for mini balls

31 YEBQhKJL. SL500

While information technology may have fabricated assurance 2mm larger than the other mini melon ballers, testers favored this model because it was easier to brand perfect pea sized balls of fruit while being comfortable to utilize.

The scoop easily sliced through the flesh of watermelon and honeydew along with slightly firm pears. The handle besides has a loop for hanging on a peg lath.

Small-scale Melon Baller Runner-ups

Comparison Chart

41p5eHUik9L. SL500

Messermeister Pro-Bear on Melon Baller

21y7+ 7PNSL. SL160

Deglon Melon Baller

Messermeister Pro-Touch 10mm Melon Baller The brusk and thick handle of the Messermeister Pro-Bear upon made twisting the handle more a more difficult job than our summit pick.

Deglon 10mm Melon baller While the Deglon baller had the longest handle, information technology also welded the neck to the underside of the scoop rather than the top. This caused the neck to dig into the flesh of the fruit forth with the scoop. This made scooping more difficult on harder fruits.

Large Melon Baller

If y'all just want a big melon baller then we honestly tin can't requite yous a reason equally to why you would choose anything over the OXO double-sided melon baller we covered earlier. Single sided scoops did not ball fruit any better.

Notwithstanding, if you have an aversion kitchen utensils with 2 ends then there is only one other large scoop we would recommend:

Westmark ii.5cm Melon Baller – All-time large melon baller

41zDQQMFqpL. SL500

While it wasn't the largest melon baller scoop nosotros tested it was the almost effective. The sharp scoop effortlessly cut through melon leaving us with perfectly symmetrical balls. This was possibly the sharpest scoop out of all the melon ballers we tested.

The handle was easy to grip and dishwasher safe. And to meridian it all off, it's made in Germany. Highly recommended.

Big Melon Baller Runner-ups

Comparison Chart

21rl0NpMb4L. SL160

Cuisinart Butt Melon Baller

31SE9q5VabL. SL500

Zeroll Ussentials Stainless Steel Melon Baller

31H2u+QbO8L. SL500

Norpro Grip-EZ Melon Baller

Cuisinart 3cm Barrel Melon Baller The Cuisinart came shut to taking out this category. A soft grip, durable head were features that testers loved. Simply whatever Cuisinart made the grip out of is besides sticky. We noticed it attracted a lot of dust, particularly when left to roll around our kitchen gadget drawer.

Zeroll 3cm Stainless Steel Melon Baller – The Zerol had the biggest handle out of all the melon ballers nosotros tested. The soft grip was surprisingly comfortable and like shooting fish in a barrel to grip. However, the handle added a lot of weight which made the melon baller awkward to use. The scoop too showed signs of bending when we were balling pears.

Norpro 3cm Grip-ES Melon Baller – Cheap and nasty. The neck was welded off center making even scooping incommunicable.

Oval Melon Ballers

Oval melon ballers leave will leave you with oval shaped pieces of fruit. They have no advantage over a regular melon baller other than making a unique shape.

Mercer Culinary – Best Oval Melon Baller

21dh9I0ZtyL. SL500

Mercer culinary was ane of the just oval melon ballers to attach the neck at the side of the scoop rather than underneath it. This made it easy to scoop out oval pieces of fruit without the neck violent into the mankind.

The melon baller effectively made oval shaped pieces of fruit and was appeared to exist dishwasher prophylactic, surviving x trips through out dish washer.

Oval Melon Baller Runner-ups

Comparison Nautical chart

21wsS fRu1L. SL160

Messermeister Pro-Touch Oval Melon Baller

21+ChcVfWJL. SL160

Deglon Melon Baller Oval

211GJ9wpprL. SL500

Messermeister Double-Ended Melon Baller

Messermeister Pro-Touch Oval Melon Baller – Let down by the dull blades, oval melon balls made with this slicer did not have the same smooth finish as our top pick.

Deglon Oval Melon Baller – The cervix welded to the rear of the scoop fabricated a bigger mess of the fruit than our elevation pick. The saving grace is the cost, this is the cheapest oval shaped melon baller on the market place.

Messermeister Double-Ended oval/scalloped baller – Same problem as the above oval baller except with the added badgerer of one finish digging into your wrist when in use.

Scalloped Melon Ballers

Scalloped melon ballers are similar to oval melon ballers excelt they leave the brawl with a lovely ribbed pattern, like to the shell of a scallop (hence the name).

We found scalloped melon ballers to be unsuitable for firmer fruits. Stick to the soft stuff like melon and you will be fine.

Messermeister – All-time Scalloped Melon Baller

41Ikw9eGYQL. SL500

Messermeisters scallop shaped scoop had more than defined ridges than its competitors. Because of this, melon better resembled the shape of the scoop than the other scalloped ballers.

Love Eye Shaped Melon Ballers

We recommend eye shaped melon ballers with reservations. Getting a perfect eye shape was hard and time-consuming. A lot of melon was wasted in the process and more often than not a pocketknife needed to be used to detail the heart. While managed to turn honey dew and cantaloupe into heart shapes, watermelon was a complete and utter failure.

The eye shaped melon baller worked best on butter and soft cheeses, substances that would stick together to hold their shape.

Deglon – Best Eye Shaped Melon Baller

31h2lZS8zwL. SL500

Out of the heart shaped melon ballers we tested, the Deglon was the best built. Dishwasher prophylactic and sturdy, this French republic made melon baller hands out classed the other middle shaped melon ballers. That said, the bar was pretty low.


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